Caffe Latte
It is a coffee made with espresso and steamed milk. Latte is milk so you can interpret it is milk coffee drink. The beverage generally has a higher proportion of milk to coffee, giving it a more milky taste than Flat White. The heated milk is frothed. During pouring, the foam is held back by a spoon. The foam is lastly topped to the drink.
Flat White Coffee
It is said that Flat White was started in Australia in the 1980s. The coffee is an espresso based coffee beverage. Espresso normally is a blend of Arabica and Robusta coffee beans. Microfoam (steamed milk consisting of small, fine bubbles with a glossy or velvety consistency) is poured over a shot of espresso. The beverage generally has a higher proportion of coffee to milk, with espresso more pronounced in taste of the drink.